Lahore Dec 04-PPI: Women in male-dominated society are more likely to suffer headache, gastric disturbance, loss of energy, loss of weight etc which has their roof cause in depression. In a press statement here on Wednesday a local clinical psychologist Mrs. Pakistan Press International via NewsEdge Corporation : Lahore Dec 04-PPI: Women in male- dominated society are more likely to suffer headache, gastric disturbance, loss of energy, loss of weight etc which has their roof cause in depression. In a press statement here on Wednesday a local clinical psychologist Mrs. Saima S. Qamar said the women were more likely to undergo depression, anxiety, feelings of insecurity and other physical manifestation of psychological problems as compared to men. "In a society like ours it is more important to identify the problems of the womenfolk and enable them to face these with confidence and courage," she added. She maintained that the women in our society were less exposed to society and "parents as well as society constantly make them conscious of their limited role which is coupled with inadequate education and ignorance on their social, legal and religious rights." She said over 80 percent population of the country resided in the rural areas where the availability of a qualified physicians and surgeons was doubtful then what to talk about the availability of psychological services. "Most of the women other than the non-availability of psychological facilities, have no conception about the origin of their psychological or psychiatric problems and visit general practitioners for various symptoms like headache, gastric disturbances, loss of energy, loss of weight which are related to psychiatric disorders," she observed. (THROUGH ASIA PULSE) 04-12 2002 <> << Copyright ©2002 Asia Pulse Pte Ltd. >>
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